What are the 4 components of hvac system?

There are four main components of an air conditioning system. They are the evaporator, condenser, compressor and expansion valve. Each of these air conditioning components works in sync with each other and has a specific task to perform: keeping the air conditioner running like a well-oiled machine. The evaporator is located on the cold side of the air conditioner.

Its main function is to receive liquid refrigerant and convert it into gas, which then cools and dehumidifies the air. The gas absorbs all the heat from the air and carries it to the condenser. The condenser is the counterpart of the evaporator and is located on the hot side of the air conditioner. It works to bring that hot condensed refrigerant gas back to the outside to vent the heat and convert the coolant back to a liquid form.

The compressor is a large electric pump that works with the condenser to convert refrigerant to liquid. It does this by pressurizing the refrigerant gas. The compressor is also located on the hot side of the air conditioner with the condenser. The expansion valve works with the evaporator, but is usually located between the evaporator and the condenser.

Its function is to regulate the amount of liquid refrigerant that moves to the evaporator, where it is later converted into gas.


stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. It is becoming more and more common to see HVAC spelled as HVACR, expanding the original definition to include refrigeration. Many HVAC vocational schools now include refrigeration repairs and training in their HVAC training programs.

The heat generator is the key member of HVAC system components when it comes to heating. What occurs in these devices is the generation of heat, for example, through the extraction of energy from the fuel inside a furnace, also known as a combustion chamber. The hot flue gases will provide heating for air or another fluid, such as water, which will then heat the air entering the conditioned environment. Electric heat generation could also be used to heat the air conditioner.

Although there can be a variety of options for heat generators, the most common forms are furnaces and, therefore, it is important to consider combustion efficiency for resource control and pollutant emission for environmental concerns related to these HVAC system components. Since most heat generators burn fuel as an energy source, some safety considerations need to be taken into account. This is because combustion systems operate mostly with excess air to lower the combustion temperature and, therefore,. Therefore, carbon monoxide would be one of the products of the reaction.

A safety problem for heat exchangers is therefore the leakage of carbon dioxide in the air passing through the tubes. CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, and even death at high levels. Therefore, detectors must also be arranged to monitor such leaks. The air is forced by one of the components of the HVAC system, called a blower, through the heat exchanger into the air duct that would take the hot air to where it is intended.

The blower is driven by an electric motor by a shaft. The airflow could be adjusted by modifying the engine speed. Such motors must be of the variable speed type. Variable speed motor blowers will achieve higher speeds gradually and therefore reduce the amount of noise when lower amounts of air are required.

This gradual increase in speed would also decrease the wear of the rotating parts, as well as lower the energy consumption of the unit; therefore, operating and maintenance costs would be lower for this type of blower. One of the important components of the HVAC system is the compressor or the condenser coil, which is usually placed outside. The hot refrigerant gas is brought to the compressor to dissipate heat to the outside environment and become its liquid form. This liquid refrigerant is then brought to the evaporator coil through copper or aluminum tubes.

A fan will increase the amount of air passing through the coils and drive the condensation process. The evaporator coil is one of the components of the indoor HVAC system that receives condensed refrigerant from the compressor. The liquid refrigerant is atomized by spray nozzles that increase the evaporation rate of the refrigerant when it comes into contact with the warm air in the room. There are fans that cause warm room air to flow through the return ducts to the evaporator.

The hot air expels heat to the atomized coolant and cools down, after which it is redistributed to the rooms through the ducts. As air passes over the cold evaporator coil, its humidity level would decrease due to condensation of the humid air in the coil. Lowering humidity makes the air feel even colder, increasing the efficiency of the cooling process. The hot gas would be transferred back to the condenser coil to repeat the cycle.

Metering device also known as thermal expansion valve (TXV) Let's now look at each of the components on its own, starting with the evaporator. The evaporator is located inside the house. This is where the coolant absorbs heat from the indoor air, going from liquid to vapor. As seen in this video, evaporator coils provide more surface area for indoor warm air to pass through.

This larger surface area allows more heat to be transferred to the coolants inside the coils. We also see in this scheme that as the refrigerants in the evaporator coils absorb heat, it changes state from liquid to vapor. The refrigerant heats up beyond its boiling point, causing the steam to overheat by the time it exits the evaporator. This change to a superheated vapor state is indicated by the color change of the coils from blue (liquid) to red and yellow (vapor).

The vapor refrigerant exits the evaporator to the next component, the compressor. After the refrigerant is boiled to steam in the evaporator, it is sent through the suction line to the compressor. Since the refrigerant exits the evaporator as a superheated vapor, it will enter the compressor as a superheated vapor. The function of the compressor is to increase the pressure of the refrigerant.

Remember that as the pressure increases, the temperature increases. This is exactly what the compressor does. We saw a visual representation of that in the previous video. The refrigerant is sent from the compressor to the next component, the condenser.

The condenser is located outside the house so that the coils containing the refrigerant can come into contact with the outside air. The function of the condenser is to expel heat to the outside air. The refrigerant is sent from the compressor to the condenser through the hot gas line, since the refrigerant exits the compressor as a hot gas under high pressure. As seen in the video, the condenser is housed in the same unit as the compressor.

Since the compressor increased the temperature of the refrigerant, the refrigerant is now warmer than the outside air. This causes heat to be transferred from the refrigerant in the condenser coil to the outside air. When heat is transferred away from the coolant, the coolant cools. In this video, we see blue arrows entering the unit.

This represents the cooler outside air flowing over the condenser coils. Remember that this does not mean that the outside air is “cold”. It simply means that it is at a lower temperature than the refrigerant compressed inside the coils. As outdoor air passes over the condenser coils, it absorbs heat.

The air leaving the unit is warmer because it has absorbed heat from the coolant in the coils. That's why the arrows that come out of the unit are red. Think of a steaming cup of coffee. Because it is warmer than the surrounding air, heat will be transferred from the coffee to its environment.

You can feel the heat transfer when you wrap your hands around the mug. Remember that heat transfers from high heat to low heat. This is basically what happens in the capacitor coils. In the condenser, heat is transferred from the refrigerant to the outside air.

The refrigerant inside the condenser cools until it changes state from vapor to liquid. The refrigerant enters the metering device from the condenser through the liquid line, since the refrigerant has cooled sufficiently to completely change state to liquid. The metering device lowers the pressure of the refrigerant so that it can be sent back to the evaporator. There, you can repeat the cycle and continue to absorb heat from the inside.

The refrigerant starts as a liquid in the evaporator. In this case, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the air to change state from liquid to vapor. This means that it starts as a liquid. In the evaporator, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the indoor air to change the state from liquid to vapor.

This means that when the refrigerant exits the evaporator, it is completely in a vapor state. After the evaporator, the refrigerant goes to the compressor. After the evaporator, all refrigerants have been heated beyond their boiling point, turning it into superheated vapor. This means that from the evaporator, when entering the compressor, the refrigerant is in a state of superheated vapor.

Therefore, the vapor refrigerant leaving the compressor would have a higher pressure than the vapor refrigerant entering it. The refrigerant does not change the state in the compressor. It enters the compressor as low-pressure steam and exits as high-pressure steam. Therefore, even though the pressure has increased, the state has not changed.

The function of the condenser is to lower the temperature of the coolant by exposing it to outside air. In the condenser, the refrigerant cools when it comes into contact with outside air. As it cools, it changes from a high-pressure vapor to a high-pressure liquid. This is the opposite of the evaporator, which increases the temperature of the refrigerant because it cools the indoor air.

The function of the measuring device is to lower the pressure so that the refrigerant can return to the evaporator and absorb more heat from the indoor air. Finally, the fan motor is responsible for moving cold or warm air through the ducts of an HVAC system. Each component plays a unique role in helping your central air conditioner provide cooling comfort for your home. There are many interconnected parts, and HVAC technicians rely on a variety of skills and knowledge to assess problems, diagnose and make repairs.

The combustion chamber is also known as a burner, and is the part of an HVAC system that heats cold air. If you are in Hendersonville, Nashville, or surrounding communities, call Kimbro Air HVAC experts or request service online. Read on to learn more about these components and how they help your central air conditioner achieve efficient cooling comfort in your home. If you're thinking of becoming an HVAC technician, you're probably researching what the job entails and how an HVAC system works.

After compression, the refrigerant moves to the next component of the refrigeration cycle, the condenser. Of course, there are differences between the different configurations of the HVAC system, but the core concept and HVAC components are basically common among all of them. The systems and components you work with during the training are exactly the same as those you will find in real jobs. What happens in heat pumps is the reverse process that occurs in air conditioning units, but with the same components as air conditioners.

Before refrigerant can be reused in the refrigerant cycle, there is one more important component that it must go through. Commercial and industrial HVAC systems have much more powerful motors to evenly distribute air over a large space; residential units are smaller and typically have simpler designs, making them easier to repair and maintain. . .